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Marco Padilha was born on November 21, 1955, native of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil.

Begin the studs of musical theory, piano and initiation to composition with pianist and composer Orlando Fagnani, in Campinas.

His is graduated on piano and complementary subjects by Musical Conservatory Carlos Gomes in Campinas.

Bachelor in composition by State University of Campinas – UNICAMP.

Bachelor in Public Relations by Pontifical Catholic University – PUC-Campinas.

He has improved himself in piano, studying interpretation and style, with the great Brazilian pianist Isabel Mourão.

Had his graduation as composer studying with the also composer Almeida Prado, which studied in Paris and had as teacher Nadia Boulanger and Olivier Messiaen, thus inheriting the tradition of European music.

He is considered one of the most important composer of his generation.

He has multiples activities as public relations and broadcaster.

He’s Public Relations at the UNICAMP Convention Center, and produced and presented the classical music program Intermezzo in Radio Morena FM and FM Educational Campinas for more than 24 years.

He has works performed by Municipal Symphony Orchestra of Campinas, Symphonic Orchestra of the State of São Paulo – OSESP, Group of “New Song” from Zurich and Les Sacqueboutiers from Toulouse.

His concert for viola and orchestra, has caused effusive comments from interpreters and critical, as one of most important works written for this instruments in XX century.

In 1992, his work Mystagogós – Hommage à Olivier Messiaen op. 14, was chosen for the Group of “New Song” from Zurich, among works from sixty Brazilian composers, to close the presentation of the Group , during the International Festival of Zurich (Switzerland) , dedicated on this year to Brazilian Culture. This work receives complements from Madame Yvonne Loriod Messiaen.

His work L’Amour Oublié – Hommage à Paul Verlaine, commissioned by the group Les Sacqueboutiers from Toulouse-França, was performed on October 07 in 2010, in Toulouse, receiving huge complements from specialized criticizes.

In the year of 2005, he wrote the work Invocatio number 1 and 2 for cello solo, commissioned by the cellist Antonio Meneses, to precede the Suite for cello solo number 6 of J.S. Bach. Invocatio number 1 ended being the preferred of Meneses, being executed in the first world audition in São Paulo, later in New York and came out on cd. In Invocatio 1, the composer uses modern and tradition languages together, invoking the music of the great master, for it to vibrate free on the time-space.

He wrote a concerto for cello and orchestra, dedicated to cellist Antonio Meneses, which was presented in world premiere in 2012 for Symphony Orchestra season of São Paulo – OSESP.

​He has participated in important festivals such as International Festival of Campos do Jordão (Brazil), International Viola Festival in Aveiros (Portugal), International Festival of Zurich (Switzerland), Villa-Lobos International Chamber Music Festival in Los Angeles (United States of America) , Clarone International Festival in Camerino (Italy), International Viola Festival in João Pessoa (Paraíba - Brazil), Panorama of Current Brazilian Music (Rio de Janeiro - Brazil), New Music Festival (Santos - Brasil), and Circuit of Music of the Americas Society with Antonio Meneses to the cello in New York (United States of America), Musical Quarters - Seasons 2017 BNDES (Rio de Janeiro - Brazil), Contemporary Music Circuit of the CPFL Institute (Campinas - Brazil) and Chigiana International & Summer Academy 2018 (Siena - Italy).

It has works presented by renowned interpreters such as Antonio Meneses, Sônia Rubinsky, Nahim Marun, Celina Charlier, Rafael Altino, Lars Hoefs, Emerson de Biaggi, Davi Barreto and Jessé Máximo Pereira.

It has works presented by renowned conductors such as Giancarlo Guerrero, Roberto Duarte, Ligia Amadio, Karl Martin, Roberto Tibiriçá, Ailton Escobar, Lutero Rodrigues and Roberto Farias.

It has works presented by renowned ensembles such as Les Sacqueboutiers de Toulouse (France), Zurich New Music Ensemble (Switzerland) and Carlos Gomes Quartet (Brazil).

His works were presented in important concert halls such as the Miller's Studio Hall in Zurich (Switzerland), the Americas Society Hall in New York (United States of America), Cecilia Meirelles Hall in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Leopoldo Miguez Hall Music from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), BNDES Auditorium in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Theater Arts Culture in São Paulo (Brazil), Municipal Theater of São Paulo (Brazil), Latin America Memorial Concert Hall in São Paulo (Brazil), Sala São Paulo (Brazil), New Bulgarian University in Sofia, Palazzo Chigi Saracini (Siena - Italy) among other places.

His works catalog includes compositions for piano solo, viola solo, cello solo, chamber music, concerts, symphonic orchestra and old music instruments.

Composer with style between modern and traditional, he uses the languages modal/tonal/serial with express freedom, stressing the formal aspect. The composer highlights for his lyricism and drama.

© 2014 Marco Padilha. Todos os Direitos Reservados

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